Thursday, March 24, 2011

Brand Chatter

A very popular game.

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word “ Aag” … “Bhagooo” or “Super flop”

With each word we tend to associate something or the other based on our personal experience, education or what we see all around. This nature of human brain is tapped to create a brand.

There are many kinds of branding – Product branding, Corporate branding, Internal branding, External Branding, etc. But here I am going to discuss different styles of branding

In journalism an ideal report should answer the H and 5Ws . We are going to classify the styles in a similar fashion.

1. How Branding - Behavioral or habitual branding – Most common example would be “Xerox”. How many times have you gone to a shop and said “Need to take a Xerox of this document” We have become habituated to address the product with the brand name even though the machine used may be of a different company. First to market companies have a major advantage in creating such a behavioral pattern where the product becomes synonymous with the brand.

2. What Branding - Purpose Branding – When you think of Raymonds, Arrows a formal feeling automatically comes to your mind. The branding is done in such a way that when you ask yourself the question “what?” the answer will automatically be “formals” I have classified this as What Branding or in other words Purpose Branding where through different activities the brand image is created such that whenever the purpose of the product drives the consumer towards the product

3. Why Branding - End use Branding – Sugar Free Gold for a fit body, XYZ oil for low cholesterol, Fevicol for “Majboot jod” All these brand focus on why the consumers should go for their product. This style of branding works wonders because whenever someone requires a product it is usually to serve a purpose. In that case they have the answer to the question “Why?” With this style of branding the consumer is be able to instantly relate the product with his requirement.

4. When Branding - Seasonal Branding – The classic example for this technique would be Dairy Milk. During festivals it tries to create an image of being an excellent idea for gifts and during normal days a substitute for sweet dish. In this technique of branding the time when the product should be ideally consumed is given more importance.

5. Who Branding - Target Branding – This is one of the most common techniques for branding. The brand calls out the target consumers. Johnson and Johnson is for babies, Diamonds are for the newly weds or for loved ones, Health drinks for growing kids, Virgin mobile for teenagers. The brands speak for themselves on who they can cater to. When the consumer thinks of purchasing the product he thinks of the brand which can not only cater to his requirement but also is suitable for him and suits his personality / identity.

6. Where Branding - Visual Branding – Now this is the most extensively used branding technique. You are all over the place. Something like a McD or Café Coffee Day. Its like imbibed into your system. Wherever you see.. there it is. There s no escaping. You are bound to try the products at least once. And yes you can’t forget the brand. Based on your experience you will have a good impression or bad impression but you will definitely remember the brand and have an opinion about it.

This brings us to another interesting topic – Are nt these marketing techniques?

Well marketing and branding go hand in hand. You cant separate one from the other. It is impossible and impractical to say that I will brand my product in a particular way and market it in another way. It like saying that the pot of gold is in the east and heading towards west. Marketing is aimed towards making sale. Branding is aimed towards creating an image.. creating a recall value for the particular company’s product among many others. Marketing strategies are based on the brand positioning. Hence Branding acts as a curtain raiser for marketing. But at no instance can both be separated. Any marketing activity will also contribute towards brand building and vice versa.

To wind is safe to say.. a branding activity or a brand is successful when it has created an image or presence such that it is the first name that comes to mind when thinking of the product/service it stands for.

Signing off for now..


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